but i ain’t one to call names or throw stones in a house of glass

It has always amazed me at how a person can completely ignore their behavior as offensive or inappropriate and have absolutely no self-awareness. I often wonder where that comes from? Even if you’re taught to be this way or see it mimicked growing up, how do you not change who you are as an adult? Even if you aren’t aware of how you come across, doesn’t it resonate with you that the majority of people around you aren’t looking to become one of your best friends? Doesn’t that kind of tell you something?

what you live with and what you’ll do without

I guess I fear judgement in one way even though in other ways, I’m not bothered by it. So much of my childhood was spent trying to mentally escape traumas that the one thing I had to keep me sane is the one thing I don’t want to be told I’m not good at. In the end, it doesn’t really matter if I’m shut down and I know this but still, it holds me back because it’s the one thing I’m not willing to give up that is still mine.

take me back to the start

how i adore you. and i know i don’t exactly show it. but i have my own love language. we all do. there is nothing else out there for me but you. you’re the thing i work toward each day. every moment i’m not with you is a moment i’m pushing through until i am. you are the absolute best part of my day. i never want know this life without you.